
Key person system

The pre-school operates a system whereby a member of staff is allocated as your child’s key worker. Your child’s key person will work with you to make sure that what the pre-school provides is right for your child’s particular needs and interests. The key person will help your child to settle in and throughout the time at pre-school will help your child to benefit from the pre-school’s activities.

Settling in

We want your child to feel happy and safe at pre-school. Staff will work with you to decide on how to help your child to feel confident and secure. Settling in takes longer with some children than for others, and parents/ carers should not feel worried if their child takes a while to settle in.

Parent/ carer helpers

The pre-school has a dated rota which you can sign if you would like to help at a particular session. Helping at the session enables you to see what the day-to-day life of the pre-school is like, and enables the children to get the best out of their activities. We recommend that you wait until your child has settled into the pre-school routine before offering to help.


We have a behaviour policy that parents are welcome to see. Behaviour management is based on a positive approach where good behaviour is rewarded. If children find it difficult to behave appropriately we will work with parents/ carers to devise a behaviour improvement plan.

Equality Named Co-ordinator

We aim to ensure that each child has their individual needs met. Mrs Jo Gallant is our Equality named Co-ordinator (ENCo). She will work closely with parents and children where the child or family have an additional need including English as an Additional Language. She will also ensure that the premises and setting environment is adaptable to meet those needs, working with the SENCo. Where required she will seek additional advice and liaise with outside professionals to ensure the best care is provided for the child.

Two Year old Co-ordinator

We aim to ensure that our practice is always paramount to the child’s needs. Miss Jenny Fletcher is our Two Year old Co-ordinator. She will ensure that all our activities and daily practice are suitable for children under 3, whether it is group times, messy play, craft activities, story time or outdoor play. Where required she will seek additional advice and liaise with outside agencies to ensure we meet every child’s individual need.

Safeguarding children

All organisations working with children have a responsibility for the safeguarding of children. We have a comprehensive policy, which clearly defines child abuse and we work with children's social care in serious cases. The named person/s for the safeguarding of children are Jo Gallant (Manager) and Zoe Crosby (Deputy Manager). We work with families to resolve problems as far as possible, but the welfare of the child remains paramount and confidential.