Stanway Pre-school

Stanway Pre-school provides children aged 2 to 5 years with the very best care and education

We have now had to close our waiting list for September 2024.  We no longer offer places in January unless we have any left over from our September intake. We have future waiting list availability. 


We hope that the friendliness of all the people who work in the pre-school will help to make you feel at home right away. We aim to establish a real partnership with parents so that every child feels secure in the knowledge that we are working together. You have been your child’s first teacher and your child has already learned a great deal with you.

We aim to work with you to ensure that your child has the very best start to their education at this pre-school. We hope that you can be confident that your child will feel secure and happy, and that you can become involved in the work of the pre-school if you so wish.  

The wellbeing of the children is paramount and we strive to make sure that every child feels secure and cared for so that they thrive in our care. 

Information about the pre-school

We are members of the Early Years Alliance and have been approved by, and registered with our local authority and Ofsted. We have available our policies and procedures’ for parents to see. Parents are welcome to look at them in the setting or online.

Links with Primary School

We have developed strong links with the local primary schools. We aim to provide opportunities for your child to visit, and be visited by, the Reception teachers. This should mean that the transition to school will be a happy and stress free event for everyone.

Stanway Pre-school

Little Hands Children’s Centre, Winstree Road, Stanway, Colchester, CO3 0QG.

07845 931838    

Session days and times

Home/ Pre-school links

Half termly newsletters are sent home with dates and news, this information is also available on this web site. Parents are welcome to talk to the pre-school staff at the beginning or the end of the session, about your child's day. If  you have a concern that you would like to discuss it may be better to make an appointment to enable you to discuss in private. If we have a concern we will ask you to come and see us. You are welcome to call the preschool at any time should you wish to check on your child, especially during the settling in process, or should the need arise. We offer the opportunity for parents/ carers to come in to speak to their key worker about how they are getting on and to discuss their progress.  We update parents through email, Tapestry and Facebook on a regular basis to let them know what is going on in the preschool. 


If you would like to register your child at Stanway Preschool please call 07845931838 and speak to either Jo Gallant or Zoe Crosby or email


Our Criteria will be as follows for offering places:

Siblings of children who are attending 

30hr, 15hr and 2yr funded children. Who wish to take up their full or most of their entitlement 

Any other children on a first come first serve basis.