
Universal Funding

Universal 15hrs of funding is available to all children the term after they turn 3yrs old, up until they leave to go to school. Funding is claimed by your setting 3 times a year, once a term.  You can claim your funding over 2 settings if you wish.

At Stanway pre-school we try to be as Flexible as possible so that you can claim your full entitlement with us. However this may be affected by factors out of our control, so we can not guarantee that you will be able to claim your full funding as soon as your child is eligible for it. 

You will be asked to fill in a parent agreement form each term to enable us to claim your child's funding for the next term. We have deadlines and forms must be returned by the date stated otherwise this could affect our ability to claim the funding. 

Additional Fees

You will be charged for sessions over and above your funded hours at our current rate.

We offer snacks which you can pay for or you can provide your own snacks

2yr Funding

The term after your child turns 2, you could be eligible for 2yr funding

Your 2-year-old can get free childcare if you live in England and get one of the following benefits:

2-year-olds can also get free childcare if they:

If you are eligible and we can offer you a place, you must submit your eligibility information to us so that we can make a placement application. Once this is accepted, funding is claimed in the same way as universal 3/4yr funding.

Extended 3/4yr funding

Some families are entitled to receive an additional 15hrs funding.  

You must be eligible to receive the funding. 

You will be able to check your eligibility using the online Childcare calculator - GOV.UK and complete an online application. Before you sign up for the extended entitlement, you need to look at all the options to make sure you choose the best package for you. It is possible that the childcare element of Working Tax Credit could be affected as you would likely be paying for less childcare.

If eligible you need to make sure you apply for FEE before the beginning of the term that you want the funding to start. Please note: If you apply for your code after the beginning of the term that you want funding to start, your provider will not be able to claim the extended free entitlement. You will only be able to get the universal 15 hours entitlement that term. 

When you have finished your application and set up an account you will get an eligibility code which you must bring to us and we will check the code on the early years portal. If the code is accepted we will be able to allocated the hrs against your booked sessions. You will also need to show your child’s birth certificate. 

2yr Funding from April 24 

                                         Some families are entitled to receive 15hrs funding.  

You must be eligible to receive the funding. 

You will be able to check your eligibility using the online Childcare calculator - GOV.UK and complete an online application. 

If eligible you need to make sure you apply for FEE before the beginning of the term that you want the funding to start. Please note: If you apply for your code after the beginning of the term that you want funding to start, your provider will not be able to claim the  free entitlement. 

Once your account is set up you will get an eligibility code which you must bring to us and we will check the code on the early years portal. If the code is accepted we will be able to allocate the hrs against your booked sessions. You will also need to show your child’s birth certificate.